Singapore 0 - Vietnam 1
who cares abt the result..
i think we played well! (:
this my second time goin to national stadium..
cheerin for singapore team!
EH..! but i am very faithful to my liverpool hor!!
dun misunderstand... hehe..
see see.. this is our stadium..look quite empty hor..
hahas. cos we arrive too early..
kiasu.. =x
the crowd..super alot alot ppl!
think was full attendance. (:
they warming up..look like taiwan sausages...
oohh. this is our new friend for the day.(: ginger bread man..
the face a bit oily hor..
me and oily 4!
okie.. den we tried to take pictures..
quite a failure..
TAKE 1. move too early.
TAKE 2. my head kana cut off.
TAKE 3. finally a better one.
FINAL TAKE. hahahah.. i took this!!
(: hao lian~
and this two boys..haha.. look at their shirts!!
this is den call the true soccer fans...
(: first time heard such a loud national anthem..
lol.. everyday in sch one sounded so dead..
think everybody one shot scream out 10 yrs of national anthem at the stadium lo..
the atmosphere was cool~
and that is the diff btw watchin soccer at hm!!
soccer is not always boring okay..
it was nv borin for me! (:
whoo.. i struggled to stay awake today..
slept only 4 hrs..
woke up at 6 to go play ball at jjc..
almost died..
play until 11..
den go shaw hse.. lol...
interview some stuff..
super tirin..
i slept thru my whole train ride..
first time..
rush hm to change and go for trainin..
but din go in the end.
cos my knee hurts.
and tired..
slept for 2 hrs!
SEE.. i am a busy women! hahaha (:
no bluff.